Monday, September 15, 2014


We use Alpha Omega's Lifepacs for math. We have used 2nd, 4th, Algebra 1, Algebra 2 (Trucker) and Geometry. We are currently using 5th this year. We used MPC for 3rd and Teaching Textbooks for Algebra 2(Jag).
We really like Lifepacs. Gamer really responds well to them. I did switch for 3rd and he did fine, but asked to comeback to Lifepacs. Now remember when I said that every child, family and situation is different, well this comes into play here. While this works great for my child it could very well for yours too, or it could not. I just want you to keep that in mind. (this post has affiliate links)

I am not getting paid by these publishers or have I been asked to review these for them. This is just one homeschooling mommas opinion about what we have used and what works for us. Lifepac is an independent learning curriculum. It is made for your child to be able to do with minimal help from parents. Now does that mean you hand it to your child and walk away? No not in the early grades. I would say Kn-3rd they need lots of interaction from parents, they have lots of questions and need lots of guidance.

 In 4th Gamer did a lot more on his own, but he still needed my help some. Now he is in 5th and is pretty much picking up his worktext and doing it. If he needs help or has questions of course I am there for him, but it is nice that it has trained him to get going by himself.

I am always amazed from one year to the next how much he learned and retained. So what do I like about Lifepac? I love the portability, the fact that he loves to pick it up and do it, the amount of information he retains.

How did I find it? I prayed about it and God lead me to it! Really ask and you shall receive!

Were can you find it?

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