Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Updates :) And Thankgiving !

Ok so I forgot my password and was to lazy to look for it or reset it so yes its been awhile since I have posted. Sorry. I totally have a vision for this blog its just taking me awhile to get it going! Enough with the excuses already, right! Get on with the post! :)

We are doing great, Gamers leg is healing well, I have been doing fine, Have not heard from Jag for while he has been really busy, Trucker got a new job, Yeah! And so did Sweetie, Yeah again! So life is continuing. Husband is wonderful as always (most of the time (wink, wink).

We are currently on Thanksgiving Break, and getting ready for dinner with the family. This year Jag will not be able to make it home for the holidays. This is killing me! I have always wanted my kids home on the Holidays. But I am proud that he is selflessly serving his country.

Our Thanksgiving Menu:

Turkey (of course)
Mashed Potatoes and gravy
Greenbean Cassarole
Deviled eggs
Sweet Potatoes
Mac& Cheese
Cheese Ball and Crackers
Peanut Butter Pie
Pumpkin Pie

And what ever everyone else brings :)

This is our normal Thanksgiving dinner, would love to hear what you all make.

My Boys about 6 Thanksgivings ago One of my Favorite pictures of them <3

Yummy Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe

I made this last year and it was awesome!

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

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