Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wrapping Up Our 2nd week of School

As we wrap up our 2nd week of school, I can look back and say wow we have got a good start! 
Playing basketball for P.E. 

We are loving Science

And we are loving Wednesday's as our extras day. Gamer has picked Spanish for an elective this year and so far it's been great. 

We have had our ups and our downs, I can see where I need to do some tweaking and can see where it works as is. We have had mostly great days, and a couple of not so good days. That's ok because I know each day is a new start! And I wouldn't change it for anything! 

I have my planner filled out until October and we are going to try and follow it. We really need the structure right now, coming off of summer break. 

Well hope you have had a good start if you have started school, and if you haven't then I hope you have a good start when you do start back. 

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