Wednesday, August 10, 2016

2016-2017 Curriculum 7th Grade

So this year we are going to really give Easy Peasy All in one Homeschool a try. We have used bits and pieces here and there, but never really committed to it.

We are using the Language Arts , Reading, Bible, History and Science. I have looked through these subjects and I like them. I think David and I are going to enjoy these subjects this year.

Along with Easy Peasy we are reviewing math skills, reading a lot of great books, writing as much as we can, working on our penmanship and typing skills, and learning french.

We will also work in Art, music and health/ P.E., and cooking.

We will not do all these subjects everyday, we will rotate them through out the year. I am really looking forward to this year. I am excited to see how David grows and learns, and I feel privileged to get to teach and guide him trough it all.

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