We read our Bible and some of In His Steps.
We did our first Morning Basket. Learned a new word, read about Leonardo Da Vinci, read about our microscope and read a poem.
Followed by Math, Language Arts, Read The Time Machine and The Borrowers Afloat, learned about longitude and latitude in Geography, Music, French, Science, Free Reading and Guitar practice.
August 9th-
We started at 9:23am
Day two and we did not want to get out of bed!
The morning started off kinda rough. Lots of I don't want to and can't I skip this today?
But we pushed through, and ended up doning everything except reading out loud.
We got through Bible and read some of In His Steps even though we were so tired and just wanted to go back to bed.
Morning basket was better, we were a little more awake.
We did school up stairs today because mom was expecting a package.
Math was done on the couch, and we pretended not to know how to do simple addition,ugh! I remind you we are in 7th grade and know very well how to do addition, someone just didn't want to. But we pressed on and what do you know he did remember how to add.
Language Arts wasn't so bad, we wrote a poem.
Computer, French, History and Science were a breeze.
Free Reading and Guitar are also complete.
And we were done by 1pm
And mom is so glad this school day is over! Whew I made it!
August 10-
Started school at 9:15 am
David was awake at 7:50 this morning which meant he got 10 minutes to lay in bed and watch youtube video's. He was a happy boy.
By the time we got to morning basket he was so tired and just wanted to go back to bed. (I bet if I let him watch more videos he would have been just fine)
He did not want to do math, he was just to tired! But we pushed through and he actually did really well and even seemed to enjoy it a little.
Language Arts was working on poetry again, and I didn't have to help him at all. History, Art and Science was enjoyable enough, but when we got to French he had enough, and was frustrated.Instead of me getting upset right along with him I calmly told him I was here to help, and that it was ok learning a new language was hard. I helped him a little and he did most of the lesson himself ( I seriously feel like I just scored a mom win over here!) He is finishing up Free reading and practicing his Guitar and will be done by 1.
Today's attitude could have been a big problem, but instead of me reacting to it, I responded to it. And let me tell you it made all the difference. So today I am calling a win, tomorrow well, we will see.
August 11-
Started today at 9:15
David got up at 7:00 am today on his own! Which meant he had an hour to relax and watch videos. I had no trouble getting him to start school.
We began with morning basket and moved on to Language Arts, playing a thinking game on the computer, History and finished with Science.
I always forget to add we read our bible and are reading through the book In His Steps at breakfast.
We were done early so we invited my daughter-in-love and grand baby over to spend the rest of the day with us. I love homeschooling because of this. We can have days that we finish early and spend time with family and friends. My oldest came over after he got off work and ate dinner with us. We all ended up watching a family movie. My husband finally got of work and came home to play with the baby. So it was a awesome day today. We were done with school by 10:30.
August 12 FRIDAY!!!-
Started school at 9:00
David woke himself up at 7:30 this morning. I have to say I have been pretty proud of Dave waking up on his own and getting ready and doing his chores without me even telling him to! School has gone really well this week. I know that some days and weeks won't go this good, but I sure am glad that this week did.
Today we read In His Steps at breakfast, worked on math, and handwriting. And we took a trip to the library.Then dad came home early and took us to swim at Aunt Pam's house, so that covered P,E. :) It was a lot of fun and relaxing to!
So as you can see not everyday is the same, and life always happens. Some days are longer than others and not everything gets done everyday. Interruptions happen and that is okay. I hope you liked looking into our homeschool week.
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