Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Fur Babies

I almost forgot to introduce our Fur Babies. We love our pets they are a part of our family. And we have six (YIKES)! They are also a big part of our homeschool, they join us everyday in our school room. Well not all of them, we have 3 water turtles that stay in their aquarium in Gamer's room.

This is Fred, Sam, and Bob last Christmas and yes they had their own tree to enjoy.

This is our dog Edward he is a Australian Shepard/Beagle mix. And the biggest sweetheart!

This is the Princess of the house Tabitha Better know as Tabbie. She rules the house.

And last but not least is our baby Mia, she is the newest member of our family. And is a pure joy.

All our fur babies are rescue animals Ed and Mia came from a shelter and Tabbie was found at my husbands warehouse. The Turtles were found in puddles and in our garage. Gamer has asked for more animals (a hamster, rabbit another puppy and of course every kitten we see) But I think we are quite full at the moment.  

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