Monday, July 7, 2014

Just A Little Life Interruption

Ok I was trying to post pretty regular, but 2 thing have happened to take up my time and attention.

1. My middle son Jag, has came home on leave from the Army. We have been trying to spend time with him before he goes back.

 2. My little guy Gamer broke is leg this past weekend on July 5th trying to rollerblade, and this has taken up all of my time.

Right now I have him resting in his bed and am taking a little "rest" myself. He is doing well just trying to control his pain and keep him comfy at the same time making him do his physical therapy and being the mean mommy. I never realized how hard it is to do thing with something broken. This is our first experience with any kind of a broken bone. Yes I am the mom of three boys an this is our first real injury. Anyway seeing my poor guy in so much pain has been awful! Helping him do everything has been hard but of course I wouldn't have it any other way. This is after all my normal crazy life!

We will see the Ortho Doctor next week to get more X-rays and rewrap the cast. They had to make a slit in it because of the swelling. But so far everything has went well and he is doing good :) Thank You sweet Jesus!
My little guy in his full leg cast.
Tip for today: Breathe momma just breathe!
Today I am thankful that it was not worse then what it was, because it sure could have been! Today I thank the Lord for his sweet presence in all of this. And I want to thank Him because I know he will continue to be with us. 

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